Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Ten Reasons Why I've Been on Hiatus: A Prodigal African Blogger's Excuse

With my head bowed and my tail between my legs, here are my excuses. Have a good laugh! LOL!

1. The Devil made me do it.

2. Blogging or any type of internet activity is a conspiracy by the white man to get black people blind!

3. I spilled goat soup on my computer; it took the geek squad at Best Buy 4 months to figure out what the liquidy substance was.

4. I remembered an embarrassing day when I could not spell my word during spelling bee in elementary school, got re-traumatized, and forgot how to spell and consequently, write.

5. I've been handicapped by obesity; I got so fat, my fingers could not reach over my belly to type on the keyboard.

6. I was at rehab for my Facebook addiction and the morons took away anything that remotely resembles a computer.

7. I was waiting on the Lord to deliver me from the evil called procrastination.

8. I pissed off the aliens after my blogpost denying their existence. The post has since mysteriously disappeared.

9. My late grandma said everyone who works hard deserves a long break every once in a while. I took her words literally.

10. A two-face illegal alien called Mr. Virus took permanent residence at my home (page.)

There you have it! The hiatus of Osaah and her Pen explained in black and white! LOL!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Happy New Year!

A very Happy New Year to all our readers! We are back with a new design for the blog that is fun, vibrant, and makes for easier reading. We also have some new content coming and would like your input so feel free to e-mail us with suggestions of what you would like to see on here. Stay tuned! And this year, we promise not to be on hiatus for too long so please resume your frequent visits. :)

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Mame Saah's 25 Do's and Don'ts for Facebook 2010- Vol. 4 (Just for Laughs)

76. If you are regular Joe and you have a fan page in addition to your regular Facebook page, that’s calling for too much attention. You are not a celebrity, drop the fan page!

77. The profile names Superman Ken, Saved Woman, Pretty Flower, Holy Angel, don’t make you those things. Use your real name for Heaven’s sake!

78. Desist from using a celebrity’s photo as your profile picture. If you are such a big fan, join their fan page!

79. You’ve been an FB member for more than a year and you still need help navigating the page. I’m sorry to tell you online networking is not for you. Do yourself a favor and deactivate your account.

80. And if you are one of the people who keeps deactivating his/her account because you can’t stand some people in your network, do us a favor and permanently deactivate your account. It’s annoying when u keep disappearing from the network.

81. Have you heard of the phrase “give credit where credit is due?’ Yeah, the next time you repost a link, video, note, phrase that is not your original work, give credit to the person you borrowed it from. We get annoyed when you get comments on your “re-post” than we did on our original. Thank you very much.

82. Stop sending friendship requests to everyone suggested to you by facebook. Not everyone wants to be your friend!

83. People could hurt you from teasing them with the vivid descriptions in your status update of the delicious meals you enjoy on a daily basis. Don’t do it!

84. It’s good to have self confidence but all the accolades you’ve given to yourself in that box on your profile page beneath your profile picture are a turn off. Show some modesty!

85. If I delete you from my friends list, please do not send me a friendship request again. I am so not ready for this stalkerthon!

86. Please stop posting “hot” videos on my page. In the mind of the average internet browser, “hot” is equal to “porn.” You are spoiling my reputation!

87. Stop joining fake groups like “See who Viewed Your Profile”. They are leading people on for nothing!

88. Quit complaining each time Facebook changes its interface. You always figure out how to navigate the site after fifty tries. Adapt to their gazillion changes or pack your net goods and leave!

89. I don’t know you, we have no friends in common, we did not go to the same school, we are not in the same network and we even live in different countries. What makes you think I will accept your friendship request? Pull your request off my page already before I ignore you!

90. We love to see photos but please do us a favor and stop changing your profile picture three times a day. You are making yourself appear seriously unstable!

91. Stop suggesting friends for me. If I wanted them to be my friends, I would have friended them myself!

92. A family friend is not a sibling. Stop making your daddy look bad and delete those fake siblings on your info page!

93. If you already blocked some people you once “friended,” don’t rethink your decision because the moment they find out you came to your senses and unblocked them, trust me, you will be blocked!

94. If you play more than three Facebook games a day, you seriously need to get a life. Who logs onto a social networking site to play with imaginary creatures??

95. Every once in a while, visit the market place and do some commerce. Yes, there is an application called “Marketplace,” you miser!!!

96. Please don’t let that sketching tool do a sketch of your photo. You are already scary-looking as it is!

97. Do you need another reminder that the space under my photo, status update, link and wall post is for comments, not private conversations between you and your friend? There is a reason why the chat window was created. Use it!

98. If you want to keep the members in your group, exercise restraint and send a maximum of one message a day! Your non-stop messages are crowding my inbox!

99. I am not a magician to figure out what you are thinking so do me a favor and complete the sentence in your status update. Don’t make me hide you from my news feed!

100. You have a ghost for a profile picture and you decide to change your profile name to something totally unrecognizable. Don’t be offended if I mistake you for a hacker and delete you. People who want to socialize make themselves recognizable to their friends!

Mame Saah's 25 Do's and Don'ts for Facebook 2010 Vol. 3 (Just for Laughs)

51. If you know your photos are boring (75% are of debilitated buildings in the city you last visited), please do us a favor and post a maximum of 45 per album. We are beginning to develop arthritis from clicking through your 400 “aesthetic” photos.

52. When you post a status update, let the first three comments be from someone other than yourself. Commenting on your own status updates before others get the chance to, shows you are desperate for attention. It’s OK if no one comments on your post. If it deserves a comment, we will comment.

53. If your status update has more than three typos in it, do us a favor - delete the update and retype with the corrected spellings. Yeah, those corrections that show up in the first three comment boxes are unnecessary. We know you can spell.

54. Half the people in your albums look like red-eyed aliens. The other half are in “silhouettes.” Spare us a trip to the eye doctor and BUY AN UPGRADED CAMERA!!!

55. Letting personal messages sit in your inbox for a week without replying is just plain rude. You are not the President. Hit the reply button!

56. I just saw this in my Live Feed-“Ophelia Johnson is now friends with Fred Simpson and five other people. About an hour ago.” Please do not lie about your whereabouts on Facebook. Live Feed will give you up!

57. Stop the self-promotions in your photo captions. No, you do not look like a supermodel in this photo. You look like a scarecrow with watercolor splashed on its face.

58. You make $10 an hour. Move the counterfeit Chanel and a Gucci bags from your lap to under the chair in your next photo. Thank you very much.

59. We’ve heard enough about what is on the minds of Malcolm X, Nelson Mandela, Maya Angelou, and Toni Morrison in your last ten status updates. Please do as Facebook is asking and tell us what is on YOUR mind!

60. Your attempts at appearing in each of the albums of the “famous Facebook paparazzo” are becoming redundant. You have had your five minutes of fame. Give it up!

61. Before you post your next personal video, please take some video shooting lessons on how to hold the camera still while filming. I am running out of extra strength Tylenol.

62. Your cute baby begins to get “uncute” after the 30th consecutive photo on your page shows a picture of ...... drum roll.... your “cute” baby! Go ahead and replace your profile name with his!

63. Excuse me, this is a public forum. Some of us are tired of cringing at your F-word-coated status updates. Cease and desist before we report you to Facebook Police!

64. Have you heard of the tool “inbox???” Yeah, use it!!! Posting my personal information on your wall is not cool.

65. When you quote the bible in your status updates one week and spit hatred and strife in the next, you appear wishy-washy, Madam Theresa wanna-be! So, what’s it going to be? Madam Theresa or Osama Bin Laden? Pick one because we really want to take you seriously when we see your next status update.

66. Your album looks like an audition for therapy when it contains 50 pictures of you alone in different poses. Sign up for therapy already so we can stop worrying about you.

67. Stop tagging me in every random photo you come across on the internet. Half of them are crude and uninteresting. You are spoiling my reputation.

68. What’s the point of having a wall if we cannot write on it? Delete your psycho friends already and release the wall!

69. If you are going to post a photo of you and I, we BOTH need to look good in the photo. If I looked like I was high on crack, you know what to do. Don’t be selfish.

70. Get over your fear of rejection and send that friendship request. Who is going to know your request was rejected besides the loser that rejected you?

71. If you are logged onto Facebook at work, save the video watching till you get home. You call attention to yourself when you slow down the firm’s network by streaming videos. Besides, I don’t like your employer browsing my page when they are investigating what you are up to.

72. When the next upcoming event shows up on your home page, please let honesty prevail for once and click “Not Attending”. You “attended” the last five events in London, Beijing, South Africa, Chicago and Atlanta from your apartment in The Bronx, NY. It’s time to give up the fibs.

73. You know he does not look hot in the photo. Cut out the brown-nosing in your comments and keep what you really meant to say to yourself!

74. If your desktop or laptop is within arm’s reach, use it. Logging onto Facebook from your mobile phone when you are sitting right in front of the computer does not show bourgeois status.

75. And if you went through the trouble of buying a smart phone just so we can see the mobile logo next to your status update, please do yourself a favor and return it. No one cares where you logged on from!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

25 Signs You Have a Ghetto Home (Written by Mame Saah)

1. You have a lopsided broken-down car sitting in your driveway /yard in addition to your two functioning cars. Lopsided because the car is sitting on wheels that are cutting through flat tires that lost air some 5 years ago. You don’t have 3 cars and this doesn’t show status; it is ghetto! Cut out the separation anxiety and have the dead car towed already!

2. The flowers in your front yard are crying for water. You’ve plucked out all the dead leaves and have a half-dead flower with two yellow leaves left standing in the flower pot. Please put the thing in the trash and stop messing with the aesthetic scene at the neighborhood!

3. Your door bell is so cracked up your guests have to get tetanus shots after visiting your home. Head for Home Depot, please!

4. Your blinds look like 5 monkeys have been swinging on them on a constant basis. Child, they are an eyesore for those of us who have to see them from the outside! Have you heard of “Blinds to Go”? Yeah, please pay a visit to that store, thank you very much!

5. Your car sits in the driveway while your garage has been turned into a junk yard. Ghetto-o-o-o-o-o-o-o!

6. You are the only one with your trash in trash bags while all your neighbors have theirs in trash bins on trash pick up days. You are killing the trash pick-up guys. Please cease and desist and use your trash bin effective immediately!

7. Your front door mat is curling up at the corners! Why???????

8. There’s a hole in the wall inside your home from moving furniture when you first moved in. It’s been six years now. When are you going to seal the hole? Hmmm?

9. Your dishwasher has been converted into a drying rack for so long you’ve forgotten how it even works. It is called a D-I-S-H W-A-S-H-E-R, use it!

10. We will find a dumpster beside and behind your stove if we dare shift it for any reason! Please, the thing is movable. The area beside it and behind it needs the works of a broom and mop once in a while!

11. You have diluted your dish-washing soap so much the thing doesn’t even lather up anymore. Please leave the soap alone to work like it’s supposed to, thank you very much!

12. Your dish-washing sponge has changed color from green to off-white. It’s time to buy a new one!

13. The last time we came over, your cooking pots were shinny sparking silver. Did a sooth storm pass through your kitchen?

14. This is the fifth time you are using it to wipe your wet counter. Your piece of paper towel is crying for mercy. Drop it in the trash already and tear off a new one!

15. We will find six different holes behind each picture/artwork hanging on your wall from when you first tried to hang them up. Your walls are about to cave in!

16. The photos on your wall are of people you do not know. This is YOUR home. What are the strangers doing on your walls???

17. You have three different TV’s sitting on top of each other in your living room. Again, this doesn’t show status; it is very GHETTO! Donate two of them or sell them in a yard sale or something, geez!

18. Your couch looks like 30 birds flew out of them! Cover the thing up, please!

19. Have you heard of carpet cleaners? Let’s put their number on speed dial, shall we? The kaleidoscope of juice stains on your carpet is blinding!

20. The bristle of your toothbrush is almost parallel to the base/handle. If you visited the dentist, you would know you have to change your toothbrush once very 3 months, not every five years!

21. Why is your shower curtain liner looking like there was a mudslide in your bathroom? Errm, the thing is supposed to be replaceable. Gracias!

22. Spiders are going to school in the corners of your ceiling. Stop the excuses, climb up the ladder and put those spiders and their webs on a permanent vacation!

23. We shudder to see what your pillows look like when the covers are pulled off. You wonder why your guests bring their own pillows when they come to visit?

24. A family of rats have taken permanent residence in your pantry!

25. You cracked up real bad or sucked your teeth real loud reading the above. Either way, each reaction is a big SIGN you are guilty as charged!!! Please get on it and de-ghettofy your home pronto! LOL!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Mame Saah's 25 Do's and Don'ts for Facebook Vol. II (Written by Mame Saah)

Here is the second set of rules in our series of Facebook Do's and Don'ts. Volume III will soon be here followed by Volume IV. Enjoy, and hope you laugh out loud!

26. "Liking" is not a favorite tool for the obssessed posters. When they post something, write a comment instead of "liking" if you love your life. LOL!

27. Stop changing your profile name every week. We no longer recognize you when you pop up on our Home Pages.

28. Stop loading pictures that are upside down. Rotate them and save our necks a doctor's visit!

29. Repeatedly sending friendship requests to the same person after being ignored is tantamount to stalking. Cut it out! No means no. Got it?

30. If you come up with a new acronym, the full meaning must be circulated together with the acronym for at least a month before the acronym can stand alone. “MDFSKKK” sounds dirty at first glance to those who do not speak twi.

31. I just sprayed a tanker of pesticide on Farmville. All the plants and residents thereof are now dead. You can give it a rest now.

32. We don’t need any more photo education on how a woman’s breasts look like half-way out of her blouse. Cover up before your next FB album photo shoot.

33. You don’t have to become a fan of every page that is suggested to you by every Tom, Dick and Harry. It’s okay to ignore some fan pages. Yeah, especially when you don’t know who or what you are just about to become a fan of???

34. This year, please limit your status updates to a maximum of two a day. You don’t have to chronicle every detail of your “great” life. Who cares if your AMG won’t start?

35. Stop rolling your eyes at every status update posted by your “frenemies.” They too are allowed to express themselves.

36. And if you know your status update is going to start a fight outside of FB, think hard before you post. Stop giving FB a bad name.

37. Stop changing your relationship status just to get attention. The fact that “it’s complicated” is an option, does not mean you have to select it.

38. If you know your name has changed since we last met, or you are not using your real name on here, don’t be mad when I ignore your friendship request. Yeah, I am that dumb. I cannot figure it out on my own that Sexy Rose is the same person as Rosemary Pow.

39.Stop posting unintelligible status updates. We log on here to rest our brains not crack them open!

40. It’s been more than a year since you joined FB and you still have less than fifty friends. Why are you here?

41. If the number of people on your list of friends exceeds 500, you cannot call half the people on there “friends.” They are what we call “stalkers!” No one has 500 friends.

42. And if you have more than a thousand people on your list of friends, you have now reached your goal. You are officially a fake celebrity. You are now allowed to let some of the “friends” go.

43. Go ahead. You can resume lurking on my page. That application called “Profile Spy” is fake. I will never know you were on my page for two hours!

44. Don’t complain when I tag you. Smiling and posing at my camera is equal to permission for me to tag you. “Untag” yourself already and let’s move on!

45. Do not post a photo of yourself that is more than five years old as your profile picture. You and I know you look nothing like that today.

46. And if you have a waterfall, a tree, a flower, or a plant in any shape or form as your profile picture, you know what to do. The last time I checked your name was not Niagra Falls, hibiscus or bougainvillea!

47. If you know your account has been bugged by a hacker, change your password already. I get excited when I see that I have new messages in my inbox. Your hacker is bursting my bubble!

48. If you have a personal message for a person that sent you and many others a group message, please do not hit that “reply all” button. Spare us and reply to him/her only, or create a new message. Thank you very much!

49. If you are chatting up three people including me at the same time, stay focused. I’ve been getting too many “accidental messages” from you. Hmm!

50. If you took time to read all the above rules, give yourself a pat on the back. You are officially a staunch Facebooker!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Mame Saah's 25 Do's and Don'ts for Facebook 2010 Vol. 1

This is my first in the series of my 25 Do's and Don't for Facebook. It was popular among my readers on Facebook so I kept going. I am now at Volume 4 which I totally forgot to share. So, in order to re-cap before sharing volume 4, here you are. Hope you laugh out loud. Enjoy!

1. Don’t be poking me when you know I don’t know you and you are not on my friend’s list.

2. If we haven’t been in touch for five years or more and I accept your friend request, don’t just sit there. Poke me, write on my wall or inbox me so that we can start the reconnection! Lurking around my page for a year without one comment is not reconnection. It’s called creepiness!

3. And if you know I accepted you because we have common friends, go ahead and break the ice. Say something. I don’t bite!

4. You have been on Facebook for two years and you still have no profile picture. You suck! Post a picture!

5. Talking about pictures, once in a while, you too share some photos. You know you are logging on every five minutes to see if someone has posted an album. This year, it’s your turn to make Facebook interesting for someone else. I challenge you to post an album.

6. If you start chatting me up and I haven’t responded after five minutes, you should know I don’t want to talk to you. Give it up already!

7. Facebook is a social networking site, not a boxing ring so cut out the sarcastic and bickering status updates. They are a drain!

8. If you don’t have a positive comment to make about someone’s status or photo, shut up and keep your comment to yourself. We don’t need to hear your sour mouth.

9. Once in a while, you too comment on someone’s status, photo or link. You have been at the receiving end for too long.

10. You have had the same profile picture for over a year. This is 2010. Uploading a new profile picture is not rocket science. Get going!

11. If someone is on your friends list and it’s their b’day, wish them a happy b’day on their wall. It’s a nice thing to do.

12. Overusing the short-hand to write your status updates makes them difficult to read. Stop the laziness and spell out the three-letter words!

13. If you constantly have ten typing errors in your status updates, they no longer qualify as “errors.” You need English grammar lessons before you are allowed any more status updates!

14. If your virtual card, flowers and gifts require me to launch another application, stop and think very hard about what you are about to do before you hit that “share” button. You didn’t like it when someone made you launch that application in order to accept your flowers. Don’t do it to me!

15. Stop posting ten links a day to unrecognizable websites. No one reads them!

16. Let’s see some variety in your status updates this year. We’ve heard enough about your kids, your dog, your cat and the people you cannot stand!

17. If you poke me and I poke you back, give it a rest for at least a week before you poke me again!

18. If I post a photo and you like it, show it. You don’t have to make a comment. It only takes a second to click “like.”

19. Review your friendship request list and “accept’ or “ignore.” It’s that simple! Don’t leave people hanging on to the hope that maybe one day, you’ll accept their request. Ignore them already and let them start the “healing” process.

20. Don’t go begging for your friends’ passwords so you can look at my pictures. If I wanted you to see my pictures, I would have accepted your friend request!

21. If you haven’t laughed at this list so far, you are either not a Facebooker or you are incapable of taking a joke. You are therefore being sent to Mark Zukerberg and the Facebook Membership Re-evaluation Committee.

22. If someone makes a comment about something you posted, respond to their comment, it’s the polite thing to do!

23. Stop clicking the refresh or “home” button EVERY minute to see the newest activity in the “Live Feed.” Your mouse is begging for a break!

24. It’s OK to get up and go to bed when your forehead starts doing the typing for you at 2:00 am. Facebook will be there in the morning when you wake up!

25. You are addicted to Facebook as I am so stop talking bad about the Facebook addicts. You have no profile picture, have never posted a comment, link, album, etc. and yet you are always logged on feasting your eyes! What does that make you, huhn? Yeah, I thought so!

© Mame Saah 2010

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Thirty Reasons Why You Need a Serious Beat Down (Written by Mame Saah)

1. You’ve used a computer for more than five years and still type with two fingers.

2. You’ve had a cell phone for more than five years and still can’t type a combination of upper case and lower case letters in your text messages.

3. Neither can you use punctuations in your texts.

4. You’ve had the same cell phone for more than three years.

5. The thought of making a three-way call gives you palpitations because you have no idea how to go about it.

6. You’ve been driving for more than five years and you don’t know how to change a tire.

7. Neither do you know where to put the oil in your engine.

8. You have a driver’s license but don’t know how to parallel-park.

9. Neither can you drive in reverse more than five feet.

10. You don’t know the words to the national anthem of your native country. Neither can you recite the national pledge.

11. The only president whose name you know is the president of the United States.

12. You have no idea who your governor is.

13. Neither do you know the capital city of your state.

14. You are married and can’t boil an egg for nothing!

15. You’ve been married for more than three years and still get your anniversary date wrong.

16. Worse still, you still can’t get your wife’s birthday right.

17. You have a college degree and still refer to Africa as a country.

18. You seem to have this idea that all Africans know each other.

19. You have a college degree and can’t spell for nothing. You show signs of having a nervous breakdown when the program you are using to type a message does not have a spell check feature.

20. Without a calculator, you are a “D” student at Math.

21. Twelve times twelve is rocket science to you.

22. You’ve had a checking account for more than five years and still cannot balance your checkbook/account.

23. You cast insinuations at the banks for charging you multiple NSF fees (for transactions made when you knew you could be overdrawing your account) as if the existence of NSF fees just fell out of the skies!

24. You’ve dinned out multiple times and still can’t figure out if the fork goes to the left hand and knife to the right or vice versa.

25. And you start sweating buckets if more than one fork and/or spoon is included in the place setting at a dinner event.

26. You are a woman over 30 years of age and have never had an appointment with a gynecologist!

27. You have been watching TV for more than ten years and still have no idea how to work your TV remote control beside the power on/power off buttons.

28. You are younger than 50 years old and till today do not have an e-mail address.

29. A shortage of gas in your car has left you stranded multiple times on the road yet you still wait till the gas tank light has flashed its last before refueling!

30. You are guilty of more than half of the above 29! You need a serious BEAT DOWN! LOL! LOL!

Monday, June 21, 2010

A Little Break

To our readers and fans: Apologies for the mini break in June. We have been super busy. We will be back shortly to to entertain you with new LOL articles and updates to our blog. In the meantime, enjoy the old posts on the page. Mad love to you all!

Monday, May 31, 2010

Three Reasons Why You Need to Hold on Tight to Your Wig (Written by Mame Saah)

If you have a black sister in your life, you know by now that often times, the hair on our heads belong to us by purchase and not by birth. Our natural kinky hair is not the easiest to maintain and sometimes to avoid all the hassle from getting a perm or sitting down for hours just to get some decent braids, among many other excuses, we resort to the fastest and easiest way to getting some fabulous looking hair- wearing a wig! Now, some of us have worn wigs for so long, people are beginning to think the hair is our real hair. Being an avid wig wearer comes with the ability to take major precautions against wig accidents because trust me there is nothing more embarrassing than your wig falling off your hair in the most unexpected circumstances. Here are three true stories of wigs coming off some heads at the wrong times. Ladies, hope you learn a lesson from these stories and hold on tight to your wigs like nobody’s business. To my fake-hair- wearing ladies, this one is for you. Enjoy and hope you LOL!

1) It Can Embarrass You in Class
For a good part of my undergraduate studies, I wore a long 18-inch wig. My favorite kind: color 1B black and silky. A lot of my friends and professors must have thought it was my real hair. I don’t blame them. That’s all they ever saw on my head. So it must have been a “traumatizing” experience (haahaa!) for my Economics professor and classmates when I dozed off in class one day, and, you guessed right, my wig decided to escape from my head. This particular class was boring so I found myself often putting my head on my desk that day. I noticed my professor looking at me weird but I figured it was her dirty look to tell me to sit up. My classmates sitting adjacent to me would also steal a glance at me and giggle. I would say to myself, “Haven’t they seen a student dozing off in class before?” After a long hour and fifteen minutes, the class was over and I dashed to the bathroom before my next class. I saw people looking at me on my way to bathroom. Just when I approached the sink to wash my hands after using the bathroom, I couldn’t believe what I was seeing in the mirror. My wig had shifted all the way to the back of my head and was on the verge of falling down! And this was the day that my hair sock was not even black. It was tan in color and so obvious! I looked like a mannequin at the mall. Unfortunately, I was the only “sister” in that class and I guess no one else was comfortable enough to tell me what was going on my head! At that very moment, I wanted the floor to open so I could fall in and vanish! But my history class was beckoning me in five minutes. So, with the confidence of a proud black woman rocking her fake hair, I washed my hand, shifted my 18-inch wig in place and strutted out like nothing had happened. I head the squealing and giggling behind me and I prayed I would never see those students in the bathroom again!

2) It Can Embarrass You on a Date

Maureen loved her wigs. Every week-end, she would wear a different one out and feel way cool and pretty until one fateful date happened. This guy she had a crush on happened to ask her out on a date. She wouldn’t let us hear the end f her upcoming date with Mr. Hot Guy! We all helped her pick her outfit and dress her up. We advised her to wear her hair out and forget about her wig. Maureen was Indian with beautiful curly hair but she insisted on her favorite brown straight wig. According to her, the last time she saw Mr. Hot Guy, that’s the wig she was wearing. So, Maureen goes out to the movies with him and a stroll afterwards headed for a restaurant. Halfway there, Mr. Hot Guy goes in for a kiss. Maureen is thrilled and is about to kiss him back when she felt the dreadful happen. She opened her eyes to see her wig in Mr. Hot Guy’s hand and the most shocking look on his face. She was so embarrassed that she “fled the scene” with her wig still in Mr. Hot Guy’s hands. When she came back to the dorm room with her wigless head and told us what had happened, we laughed over and over again until it was morning. Till this day, we still laugh about this story. We believe that was the last of Maureen’s wig-wearing days.

3) It Can Embarrass You on a Holiday Trip

On a recent trip to Niagara Falls, what happened to my aunt could win an award on America’s Funniest Home Videos had my brother-in-law, sister, mother and aunt had a video camera to record their experience there. It happened to be a very windy day. The kind of wind that breaks trees down. Towards the end of their visit to the Falls, the winds begun to blow non-stop. Everyone was holding on to their property in addition to finding a safe place to hide or a strong structure to hold on to. My aunt’s first instinct was to grab onto her purse. No sooner had she secured her purse than her wig flew of her head! My brother in-law Reuben, in an attempt to impress his in-laws, decided to risk his life and chase after the wig which was rolling down fast in the wind like a soccer ball. As the wig approached the street, an on-coming car "paid respect" and stopped for the wig to cross the road. Reuben had both arms outstretched, running with all his might to catch the wig. Just when he thought he was about to grab the wig, the wig crossed the border to Canada. Still not giving up, he crossed the border with the wig, not realizing he was “illegally” in Canada! After a few minutes of frantic searching, he discovered the wig under a car on the Canadian side of the Falls. He held on tight to my aunt’s precious wig and headed back to the US only to find my almost 60-year old mother hugging a tree with both arms and legs crossed around it like a bear for fear of being blown away, and my 61-year old aunt crouching under a park bench. My sister was no where to be found; she had left the two old ladies in pursuit of saving her own life. LOL! My aunt who did not have the courage to put the wig back on her head decided to put it in her purse for the rest of the trip! Soon the winds subsided and the non-stop laughter at what had just happened ensued.

So you see, ladies, you should make sure your wig is secure when you walk out of the house because you never know when you will be the next laughing stock!

(The first two photos on the left column of this page show before and after pictures of my aunt and her wig.